Friday 19 October 2012

Noteworthy points

Some noteworthy points in Hoemopathy treatment:

1)       In Homoeopathy there are three fields of general specialization that the homoeopathy physicians follow. They are (i) Classical Homoeopathy (2) Modern Homoeopathy and (3) Electro Homoeopathy. The method followed in these three fields for prescribing medicines is different. Classical Homoeopathy physicians generally stick to the principle of single medicine at a time and they do not use formulated medicines. They do not use combination drugs as in allopathy. Modern Homoeopathy physicians prescribe formulated medicines. Electro Homoeopathy physicians follow totally different set of medicines. Electrohomeopathy is regarded by the medical doctors and scientists as  quackery.

2)       PROTOCOL: It is the sequencing and moderation of drugs prescribed and given to a patient. In HOMEOPATHY treatment PROTOCOLS of prescription is the key factor in the recovery of disease symptoms or in bringing the patient to asymptomatic state. There are no published protocols in homeopathy. If there are, they are insignificant in number. Therefore no two doctors may be following the same PROTOCOL in treating the same disease. Protocols of medicines in homoeopathy are generally proprietory as they are developed by homeopathic physicians over a period of time, out of extensive observation and study.

3)       The efficacy of disease symptom relief in Homoeopathy depends on several factors such as PROTOCOL, quality of medicine, potency, dose etc. Two doctors may decide on the same medicine but the potency selected by them may be different for the treatment of same disease condition. As a result, the outcome of treatment will not be the same.

4)       Almost all the Homeopathy medicines are manufactured from natural products such as plants, animal and mineral resources. Hence, the source of procurement of raw or crude drugs influence the quality of finished drug in spite of  meticulous care taken to manufacture them on scientific lines.

5)       Treatment in homeopathy is sometimes tedious or cumbersome for a critical chronic patient unlike in allopathy or popularly known conventional medicine. Meticulous observation of disease symptoms from time to time; and also during the course of treatment  is very important for successful cure.

6)       Homeopathy has been integrated into the national health care systems of many countries, including India, Germany, Mexico, Pakistan, Sri Lanka, Mauritius, Argentina, Chile, Canada, Colombia, Cuba, Brazil and the United Kingdom. In United States of America, approximately 3000 allopathic physicians and other health care practitioners use homeopathy. The State Scientific and Practical Centre of Traditional Medicine and Homeopathy of the Ministry of Public Health of the Russian Federation was created in 1999. The Centre’s goals include organizing and conducting scientific research and coordinating and realizing educational activities in complementary/alternative medicine.

                                        ………………………… Dr. SAAIE KB;  19 Oct 2012

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